
“Muzika erdvėje” (“Music in Surroundings”) is the only site-specific music festival in Lithuania and the region dedicated to exploring the relationship between music/sound and the environment in specific locations, highlighting the architectural, urbanistic, historical, social, and other contexts of the places.

Composers & artists
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Since 2014, the festival has brought music by Lithuanian and abroad composers, sound artists, and artists from other fields to more than 50 locations in and around Vilnius, including the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, the Swedbank headquarters, the railway station, the Television Tower, public parks, even river, and many other places.

Over the years, “Music in Surroundings” has focused on themes such as various Vilnius communities, the city’s neighborhoods, stereotypes prevailing in public spaces, urban archetypes, the relationship between individuals and the state, and even the concept of time, among others.

Occasions and special events

In 2023, alongside its regular program, the festival introduced a special series of events titled “Music for Vilnius,” dedicated to the capital’s 700th anniversary. Seven internationally acclaimed composers visited Vilnius, selected a location that intrigued them, and created music pieces for it. The composers who dedicated their works to Vilnius were Toshio Hosokawa (Japan), Heiner Goebbels (Germany), Ivan Fedele (Italy), Anna Korsun (Ukraine-Germany), Agata Zubel (Poland), Beat Furrer (Austria), and Michael Gordon (USA).

Read more about the project HERE.

In 2024, to celebrate the festival’s 10th anniversary and mark the 20th anniversary of Lithuania’s membership in NATO and the EU, a special piece by Matas Drukteinis was presented at the Government of the Republic of Lithuania building. This musical journey explored one of the most prominent buildings designed by Vytautas Edmundas Čekanauskas, a leading Lithuanian architect of the 20th and 21st centuries, and was by contemporary music ensemble “Synaesthesis.”

Supports the

2016–2017, 2019–2024

Supports the


Supports the organization



Since 2019

Directors of the festival

Matas Drukteinis

Co-founder, managing director

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Agnė Matulevičiūtė

Artistic director

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  • Festivalis „Muzika erdvėje“ tyrė žmogaus ir modernios valstybės santykį (LRT.lt)
  • Muzikos bei kitų menų festivalyje Vyčio raitelis nulips nuo žirgo ir gyvens įprastą gyvenimą (LRT.lt)
  • Jaunieji kompozitoriai pradeda Vilniaus erdvėms skirtą festivalį „Muzika erdvėje“ (LRT TELEVIZIJA)
  • Festivalis „Muzika erdvėje“: koks jūsų santykis su valstybe? (VOXART.lt)
  • Festivalis „Muzika erdvėje“ šeštą kartą kviečia į neįprastas Vilniaus erdves (Madeinvilnius.lt)
  • Pokalbis laidoje „Ryto Allegro“ (LRT KLASIKA)
  • Nuo šalies vizijos iki startuolių – „Muzika erdvėje“ kviečia išgirsti valstybę (VOXART.lt)
  • Festivalis „Muzika erdvėje“ kviečia išgirsti valstybę ir pasivaikščioti po visą Vilnių (Lrytas.lt)
  • Festivalis „Muzika erdvėje“ skelbia šių metų temą ir kviečia kompozitorius teikti kūrinių koncepcijas (VOXART.lt)
  • Muzika – specialiai Vilniaus erdvėms (interviu su A. Matulevičiūte ir M. Drukteiniu; Neakivaizdinisvilnius.lt)
  • Laidos „Laba diena, Lietuva“ reportažas (LRT TELEVIZIJA)
  • Pokalbis laidoje „Ryto Allegro“ (LRT KLASIKA)
  • Nuo tėvystės iki energetikos – nestandartiniai stereotipai festivalyje „Muzika erdvėje“ (15min.lt)
  • Jubiliejinė „Muzika erdvėje“: stereotipų įvairovė ir stereoekskursijos iššūkis (Mic.lt)

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